The NSPCC are a charity with the focus of helping to protect children. They offer services for young people and parents, helplines, online useful information/content for example on Children's mental health, online safety, sex and relationships, drugs and alcohol, independence and guidance on how to report child abuse.
Contact details
Website: NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC
Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Childline is a dedicated service created by the NSPCC, who are able to support children and young people via a confidential helpline to offer support, be a listen ear and gain guidance if they need/want this. They also offer support via 1-2-1 counsellor chats, online games, mood journals, racism, online information on bullying, abuse and the law, sexual health, healthy relationships, school/college, your feelings and you and your body.
Contact details
Website: Childline | Childline
Helpline: 0800 1111
The National Crime Agency leads the UK’s fight to cut serious and organised crime, protecting the public by targeting and pursuing those criminals who pose the greatest risk to the UK. If you would like to gain support and gain police prosecution as a victim of exploitation/modern slavery , then NCA could support you with this process (NCA, 2021).
Contact details
Website: Who we are - National Crime Agency
Helpline: 0370 496 7622 Emergencies call: 999
Beacon House is a privately run therapeutic trauma informed service, who offer many therapeutic service's from assessments to interventions, including life story work, diagnosis, trauma therapy, EMDR, talking therapy, Occupational therapy, animal therapy, and also offer training and consultation support for parents, school, Youth Justice Service, Children Social Care, Police and many more professionals. My Future Matters Ltd's are using this therapeutic service to help shape their services via past and current training and guidance from leading professionals within their service. Beacon House is privately funded and work with adults, children/young people and their parents, regarding attachment and trauma experiences. They also have tool kits, resources, videos and information and guidance regarding the impact of past traumas and the impact neurologically this can affect future outcomes and behaviours.
Contact details
Website: Home (
Telephone number: 01444 413 939
Allsorts is a youth based Charity in West and East Sussex, othering support for young people and their families in the LGBTQ community aged between 5-25 years of age. They offer support in running youth groups, over the phone, online virtual contacts, emotional well-being support and offer online resources and toolkits.
Contact details
Website: Allsorts Youth Project - Young People
Change Grow Live are a drug, alcohol substance misuse service, supporting people in the community and in their center's to offer support to reduce or sustain from substance. They offer face to face support, have resources online and arrange support groups for substances misuse support..
Contact details
Website: Change Grow Live | Charity | We can help you change your life
Young Minds is a mental health charity for children and young people, to offer mental health advice via the phone, online, as well as having in-depth online resources and information on mental health related subjects, along with accessible toolkits and strategies young people could access from their website.
Contact details
Website: YoungMinds - children and young people's mental health charity
Call the Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544
The Young Minds Crisis Messenger text service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text YM to: 85258.
Knife free was set up by the home office to give advice and education on the dangers of carrying knives, the laws and ways of supporting someone at risk of knife crime or have worries relating to this subject. The site also gives advice on how to report a crime anonymously and shares real life stories of someone's experience of knife crime.
Contact details
Website: Live #knifefree
In an emergency call 999
If you are aged 13-25 you can drop in to a Find It Out Centre to gain advice and information. If you want to talk to someone in confidence you can make an appointment to speak to a worker at the service. If you are using the centre for a YES assessment (emotional well-being), you can be at a lower age of 11 or 12. If you have an issue that they can’t help you with, they can put you in touch with somebody who can within West Sussex. As well as advice and information there is free internet access (WSCC, 2021).
Find It Out Plus in Adur is delivered in partnership with YMCA. If you are aged between 11-25 they can support you with:
Contact details
Website: Adur FindItOut Centre - West Sussex County Council
Telephone number: 01403 229900 (Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm)
If you are 16 or 17 years of age and are at risk of homelessness, or become homeless, you can access support at your local FindItOut Centre, get advice from your local district or borough council or contact Youth Homelessness Prevention Team. When you phone, an adviser will ask the individual about their current situation and will also need to talk to their family or carers. The adviser will support an individual in finding somewhere safe to sleep that night, as well as working with the young person and their family/carers to find a long term solution for the housing situation (WSCC, 2021).
Contact Details
Website: Housing support for 16 and 17 year olds - West Sussex County Council
Telephone number: 033 022 24711
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If you need any support or more information please do get in touch.