Stephanie Fox is the Director of My Future Matters Ltd, and is the Responsible Individual for Residential Children's homes and Responsible Person for semi independent supported accommodation for the company.
Stephanie is a Qualified Social Worker with experience in many teams, one being for the Home Office supporting unaccompanied asylum seeking children within crisis accommodation settings, and also within West Sussex County Council, in the Contact Assessment and Intervention Team, Transitions Life Long Services, Children We Care for Team and the Youth Justice Service. The longest period of time she was employed was for 8 years within the Youth Justice Service, where she worked with a diverse range of young people, however the higher rate of the young people she worked with were young people with care experience, offending behaviour and Autism. These are an area of interest of hers as she enjoyed working with this group of young people, which had a significant impacted on shaping her goal in life to establish residential and semi-independent homes later in life. Stephanie gained training in areas for example: Attachment and Trauma informed practice, substance misuse, family functioning therapy co working, parenting support, emotional mental health support, domestic abuse, gangs, knife crime, self-harm, offending behaviour, healthy relationships, resilience, safeguarding, sexual harmful behaviours, child criminal and sexual exploitation, appropriate adult, restorative conference, online safety/grooming and radicalization. Furthermore, had taken a key role within a minority backgrounds disproportionality research project, as she has a keen interest is social justice, equality and trying to keep young people safe and support them to achieve positive outcomes.
Vanessa is responsible for all human resourcing duties including recruitment, organizing training, payroll and staff rota's, along with overseeing the financial business accounts. Within her role she also is responsible for monitoring the building maintenance to ensure everyone in our homes is safe.
Vanessa has extensive experience and skills within many managerial roles in her career from retail, cruise ships, adult's carer and banking industry. Vanessa's longest role was as a personal banking manager for TSB, where she has developed great financial skills and knowledge, which she excels at and gains enjoyment from. Vanessa has excellent communication and engagement skills, which is effectively been used while managing staff throughout her career. She also has provided staff training to nurture her teams growth and development. Vanessa's natural friendly, caring, supporting calm communication style is effective to get the best from her team and goes the extra mile to promote a happy working experience and job satisfaction .
Ali Brigginshaw
Ali has been working in both homes since 2022 initially as a Senior Mentor, then due to exceptional practice within her role, promoting the companies ethos and her development progress she was promoted to Registered Manager in Oct 2023.
Ali has a long and strong training history in higher level education primary teaching support and training, where she was also a safe person for the LGBTQ community, extensive knowledge and experience with young people with special educational needs and works creatively to enable the young people she supported were happy and achieving positive outcomes. Ali is a creative, warm, caring person who is committed in the trauma informed practice, taking the time to understand the young people she supports, and is dedicated in empowering young people and staff members to achieve their full potential and be happy!
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